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HubRise Speeds Up Digital Transition for Retailers and Restaurateurs Post-COVID

HubRise Speeds Up Digital Transition for Retailers and Restaurateurs Post-COVID
Posted on 13/11/2021 by Janaina Wittner
Press Release: HubRise Speeds Up Digital Transition for Retailers and Restaurateurs Post-COVID by Simplifying Integration with Over 70 Third-Party Applications.
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911 Delicious Company: How HubRise Helped The Franchise Through Its Digital Mutation

911 Delicious Company: How HubRise Helped The Franchise Through Its Digital Mutation
Posted on 10/09/2021 by Géraldine Malet
The 911 Delicious Company franchise network has succeeded in its digital transformation thanks to HubRise, transitioning from a multitude of disparate solutions to an integrated working enviroment. Abderrahim Baka, their Technical and IT Manager, takes us through the different stages and challenges of their digital transformation.
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