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Send Orders

Send Orders

When you connect Smood to HubRise, your orders are automatically sent to HubRise. Then HubRise sends them to your EPOS or any other solution connected to HubRise.

This page describes the information Smood sends in orders.


Order status updates flow from Smood to HubRise, and from HubRise to Smood.

When the Status Changes in HubRise

When the status of an order changes in HubRise, for example when the EPOS marks the order as completed, HubRise sends the new status to Smood.

Smood then updates the status of the order in its back office, depending on the status received from HubRise:

  • cancelled, delivery_failed, or rejected: The order is marked for manual processing. A Smood operator will contact the restaurant.
  • awaiting_collection or awaiting_shipment: The order is ready for collection by the driver or the customer.
  • in_delivery: The order is being delivered. Only synced for restaurant delivery.
  • completed: The order has been delivered. Only synced for restaurant delivery.

Other statuses, such as received, are ignored by Smood.

When the Status Changes in Smood

Smood sends the following statuses to HubRise:

  • cancelled: When the customer cancels the order.
  • in_preparation: When the status is updated from the restaurant tablet.
  • awaiting_shipment and awaiting_collection: When the status is updated from the restaurant tablet, depending on the service type.
  • in_delivery: When a Smood driver picks up the order.
  • completed: When the restaurant completes the order on the Smood tablet, or when the driver marks the order as delivered on the mobile app.

Smood always notifies HubRise about the cancellation of an order by sending the cancelled status. The other statuses are only synchronised if the Enable automatic sync of status from Smood to HubRise option is enabled in the Configuration page.

General Information

Smood sends the following general order information to HubRise:

  • service_type: Can be delivery or collection.
  • service_type_ref: The ref code of the service type, if defined in the Configuration page.
  • collection_code: The order number, which consists of 3 letters and 4 numbers separated by a dash, e.g. ABC-1234.
  • customer_notes: The preparation notes entered by the customer.

Items and Options

Smood includes the complete information about items, including: name, ref, quantity, and price.

Orders also contain the complete information about options, including: name, option_list_name, ref, price, and quantity.


Smood sends three types of deals to HubRise:

  • Promotions created in the Smood back office, from the Marketing > Promotions section. They can be buy one get one free (BOGOF) or percentage discounts on a product's price.
  • Deals imported from a HubRise catalog.

All deals are sent as deals to HubRise, with the following fields:

  • name: The name of the promotion or deal.
  • ref: The ref code of the deal, which can be one of the following:
    • For BOGOF promotions, the BOGOF ref code defined in the Configuration page.
    • For percentage discounts, the Promotion ref code defined in the Configuration page.
    • For HubRise deals, the ref code of the deal from the HubRise catalog.


For restaurant delivery orders, Smood sends delivery charges as charges to HubRise:

  • name: Smood sends Delivery fee in this field.
  • ref: The Delivery charge ref code defined in the Configuration page.
  • price: The delivery charge.


Discounts are set up in the Smood back office, in the Marketing > Discount vouchers section.

They are sent to HubRise as discounts:

  • name: The description of the voucher that you set in the Smood back office.
  • ref: The Voucher ref code defined in the Configuration page.
  • amount: The discount amount.


Smood sends a payment with the following fields:

  • ref: The Online payment ref code defined in the Configuration page.
  • amount: The total amount paid by the customer.


Smood sends guest orders to HubRise, with the following customer details: first_name, last_name, email, phone, address_1, city, postal_code, country, delivery_notes, latitude, and longitude. Smood does not use address_2 or company_name.

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